Out o the 356 hectares of the field crops, which are all organically grown, Cappelli durum wheat, started in 2016 with 10 hectares, and spelt, a total of 50 hectares of Triticum monococcum and Triticum turgidum SSP dicoccum, stand out.
There are four different shapes of Cappelli pasta (mille righe, vitoni, spaghettoni, spaghetti) dried at a temperature below 38° C to keep the sensory properties of the main ingredient intact.
The complete production process of the pasta from organic farming on the Banfi estate is based on a short supply chain: from the fields in Montalcino, to the milling of the wheat at Borgioli mill in Calenzano, to the artisanal processing and packaging at the historical Fabbri pasta factory.